If the "World" is down today, it is directly because it has put the "Woman" down. How can the world expect to be uplifted, if it continually casts down "the doorway" through which all the world has come, and will come? (Stop-Think.) -Blackwoman, do you really know who "you" are? -Do you know what it meas to be a "Woman"? -Do you know what it means to be a "Womb/Man"? -What responsibilities do you have as the "Womb of Man"? -Did you know that your "Mind" is also a "Womb" that produces offspring?
Yes, your womb/mind is the guiding force that determines the destiny of "all Men, Women, and Nations" around the entire Earth! You are much, much, more than what you have been taught that you are! If you desire to be a "True Goddess of a Blackwoman" again, today you have a choice! In your hand are "12 Lessons" to assist you. Read them, live them, be them, and enjoy them. It's your time.